React Native

You can import Pools SDK into your React Native dapp to enable your users to easily connect to the Pools Wallet

Install the SDK

Use rn-nodeify to install the SDK. In your project directory, install rn-nodeify:

yarn add --dev rn-nodeify


npm i --dev rn-nodeify

Install the rn-nodeify libraries:

yarn add react-native-crypto
yarn add react-native-randombytes
yarn add crypto
yarn add process
yarn add stream
yarn add events

In your project's package.json file, insert the rn-nodeify command into the postinstall script:


"scripts": {
  "postinstall": "rn-nodeify --install 'crypto,process,stream,events' --hack"

rn-nodeify creates a shim.js file in your project root directory. Import it in the root file of your application:

import './shim'

Install react-native-background-timer:

yarn add react-native-background-timer

cd ios && pod install && cd ..

Install Pools SDK:

yarn add @pools/sdk

Run the postinstall script after everything is installed:

yarn postinstall

Finally, install the necessary pods that come with the libraries:

cd ios && pod install && cd ..

Use the SDK

Import, instantiate, and use the SDK by adding something similar to the following to your project script:

import PoolsSDK from '@pools/sdk';
import { Linking } from 'react-native';
import BackgroundTimer from 'react-native-background-timer';

const PSDK = new PoolsSDK({
  openDeeplink: (link) => {
    Linking.openURL(link); // Use React Native Linking method or another way of opening deeplinks.
  timer: BackgroundTimer, // To keep the dapp alive once it goes to background.
  dappMetadata: {
    name: 'My dapp', // The name of your dapp.
    url: '', // The URL of your website.

const ethereum = PSDK.getProvider();

const accounts = await ethereum.request({ method: 'eth_requestAccounts' });

You can configure the SDK using any options and call any provider API methods. Always call eth_requestAccounts using ethereum.request(args) first, since it prompts the installation or connection popup to appear.

You can use EthersJS with your React Native app:

const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ethereum);

// Get the balance of an account (by address or ENS name, if supported by network).
const balance = await provider.getBalance(ethereum.selectedAddress);

// Often you need to format the output to something more user-friendly,
// such as in ether (instead of wei).
const balanceInETH = ethers.utils.formatEther(balance);
// '0.182826475815887608'

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