The ecosystem includes a DEX that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other. This promotes transparency and security and gives users more control over their assets. You can access the DEX directly in Pools Phone.
Pools Time
Users receive rewards based on their daily steps.
Pools Happy
Users can purchase lottery numbers and receive rewards from lottery events with advertising profits.
Pools Screen
Allows users to watch movie trailers and share them on social media for rewards.
Pools Call
Users view advertisements during calls and receive rewards afterward.
Pools Keyboard
A phone keyboard displaying ads, with users receiving rewards for viewing them.
Pools Picture Park
An app that allows users to browse images and view advertisements, similar to a photo gallery.
Pools Party
An app similar to Instagram that allows users to earn money by sharing their activities.
Pools Course
Allows users to take pictures of food and write restaurant reviews to receive rewards.
Pools Bet
Enables sponsors to organize voting events with rewards from advertising profits.
Pools Source
Utilizes distributed GPU on phones for AI and cryptocurrency mining.
Oscar Assistant
A virtual assistant similar to Google Assistant.
Pools Store
An online store for purchasing products and services.
Pools Box
Provides storage space, like Google Drive, for users to save images, documents, NFTs, etc.
Pools Camera
An app for creating and trading NFTs from photos.
NFT Marketplace
The ecosystem provides a dedicated marketplace for NFTs representing digital assets like art and collectibles. Users can buy, sell, and trade NFTs, fostering creativity and ownership
A service supporting accommodation and travel ticket bookings.
Pools Playground
A gaming platform with various games, providing an enhanced gaming experience.
We have developed 4 games based on the play-to-earn concept, ready to be integrated into Pools Playground, allowing users to earn Pools Coin through gameplay.